Operation House ID
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Welcome To The Operation House ID Website

The Operation House ID Program is not a new program. We've been painting house address numbers for residents in the Uptsate South Carolina area since 1998. 
In the past you may have had your house ID number painted on by one our competitors and it has faded to the point that it's not visible at all or not as visible as it should be in case of an emergency.
You may also have noticed some around town that are black and white and are just sprayed on with regular old cheap enamel paint in spray cans. They normally don't hold up very long and they don't really look that great when they're brand new.
We have observed that most of our competitors house ID address numbers have very poor visibility at night when in case of an emergency can be most critical.
If emergency personel can't find your house quick enough it can cost you or one of your loved ones their life. They must be easily seen in daylight hours and especially at night.
Operation House ID address numbers are not applied with cheap spray can enamel paint like some of our competitors use. We only use the best quality Sherwin Williams Paints. 
We use a three step process.
Step 1: We apply a heavy base coat of high quality Sherwin Williams "Forest Green" paint using a paintbrush so the paint will be absorbed deep into the porous concrete. The base coat is then allowed to dry.
Step 2: After the base coat has dried we go back and use a brush to hand stencil the address numbers on using a high quality Sherwin Williams "White" paint. 
Step 3: Not only do we use the best quality paints but we go one step farther than any of our competitors. We apply a special process called "Night Vision Treatment" to the white address numbers which will make them highly reflective at night.
We apply the "Night Vision Treatment" while the address numbers are still wet so that it will stick into the paint like glue and become embeded.
These three steps create high quality finished product that makes our house ID numbers outlast our competitors for years. House ID numbers that we painted on 4 years ago still look like brand new today!
Don't put off getting your address number painted because every second in an emergency can be a matter of life and death for a loved one or even for you!

To qualify for the Wal-Mart Free $50 Gift Card you must have submited your Operation House ID Order within 3 days of receiving the notice at your home. All entries order dates will be verified before the gift card is awarded.
If you are a Qualified Resident you can enter our drawing once every month as long as the drawing is being held. You cannot enter multiple times because Only One Entry Per Family Is Allowed! 
The gift card winners name will be posted on our website by 12:00 noon on the 1st day of each month. The winner will also be notified by mail and email. *To be notified by email the resident must register at this website using their email address or send us an email including their name and address saying they would like to be registered.

Contact Us: operationhouseid@128mail.com


Copyright © 2003 by Operation House ID. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.